Saturday, August 18, 2012

There is no such thing as bad weather, just soft people.

A friend of mine masterminded today's workout. It turned out to be a basic style circuit.

2 sets of:
Pull ups - maximum repetitions
Hindu Squats - 50 repetitions
Push ups - maximum repetitions
Sprint 100m with an immediate 100m cool down jog

He wanted to do 3 sets but we settled for 2 sets leaving us with a nice pump.


  1. Hi Joey!
    I think some of your workouts would kill some of us soft people. haha! Even though your mother is much older than me, I'm pretty sure I'd go down with the 49th squat and never get back up. Best wishes to you as you go along this journey! I agree with what my cousin Jeff said in that your only challenge here is to hone your body because your mind and personal strength is above par. Your family, even the ones with the funny Boston accent, love and are very proud of you. xxxxoooo Donna
